kalau boleh aku berucap,
aku rindu perasaan itu
aku berimajinasi kembali ke masa itu
dan berharap tempatmu terisi orang lain
ya ya,tempat itu terisi sejenak
lalu akhir cerita itu masih tak mengenakkan
andai andai ada orang lain
tidak tidak
aku tidak sedang mengingatmu
aku hanya teringat
ada perbedaan antara teringat dan mengingat
aku rindu perasaan itu
menyayangi seseorang sampai kamu lupa diri kamu sendiri
disayangi seseorang yang sampai kamu mungkin pengen orang itu tidak sampai sebegitunya
sulit untuk tidak teringat
hippocampus-ku masih mengingat memori itu lekat-lekat
semoga hari ini jadi hari terbaik untuk kamu

Why is this blog a bottled sunshine? It started from Student Leaders Retreat in Eusoff Hall in September 2009. A prof mentioned that I'm like a bottled sunshine. Well,bottled sunshine also needs supply from the sun:) There will be moments when the sun is covered by the cloud. Nevertheless, I hope this blog can still radiate a little bit of the sunshine for other people.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
hey hey
aku lihat
dan aku senang
ga ada apa-apa antara kita
tapi kamu bawa aku terbang ke seribu masa yang lama
saat aku tak perlu menjadi realistis
saat aku cukup senang dengan memandang sambil meringis
boleh aku melihatmu lagi?
aku lihat
dan aku senang
ga ada apa-apa antara kita
tapi kamu bawa aku terbang ke seribu masa yang lama
saat aku tak perlu menjadi realistis
saat aku cukup senang dengan memandang sambil meringis
boleh aku melihatmu lagi?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
siswa dan mahasiswa
Pernah berpikir mengapa harus menambah kata 'maha' di depan kata siswa bagi pelajar yang duduk di bangku universitas?
Apakah itu berarti mahasiswa dituntut lebih besar untuk melakukan perubahan dibandingkan dengan saat mereka masih duduk di bangku SMA?
Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa mahasiswa zaman sekarang cenderung elitis. Betulkah itu? Apakah saya termasuk di dalamnya?
Apa sih makna 'elitis'?
Saya lupa membaca di mana, tetapi menurut yang saya baca, mahasiswa zaman dahulu mampu menggulingkan suatu pemerintahan, mampu mempengaruhi kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah, dan langsung bergerak dan merespons isu-isu terkini.
Apakah saya seperti itu?
Mungkin tidak perlu sampai menggulingkan suatu pemerintahan, mungkin tidak dengan berunjuk rasa, tetapi bagaimana dengan tulisan? Apakah saya mencoba membuat perubahan dan membangunkan orang-orang melalui tulisan?
Jangankan berunjuk rasa, jangan-jangan kebijakan terbaru pemerintah saja saya tidak up-to-date.
Semoga saya dapat semakin memaknai kata 'maha' di depan si siswa.
Apakah itu berarti mahasiswa dituntut lebih besar untuk melakukan perubahan dibandingkan dengan saat mereka masih duduk di bangku SMA?
Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa mahasiswa zaman sekarang cenderung elitis. Betulkah itu? Apakah saya termasuk di dalamnya?
Apa sih makna 'elitis'?
Saya lupa membaca di mana, tetapi menurut yang saya baca, mahasiswa zaman dahulu mampu menggulingkan suatu pemerintahan, mampu mempengaruhi kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah, dan langsung bergerak dan merespons isu-isu terkini.
Apakah saya seperti itu?
Mungkin tidak perlu sampai menggulingkan suatu pemerintahan, mungkin tidak dengan berunjuk rasa, tetapi bagaimana dengan tulisan? Apakah saya mencoba membuat perubahan dan membangunkan orang-orang melalui tulisan?
Jangankan berunjuk rasa, jangan-jangan kebijakan terbaru pemerintah saja saya tidak up-to-date.
Semoga saya dapat semakin memaknai kata 'maha' di depan si siswa.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
the first two days of my third year of undergraduate life
I could say that I was amazed by how full A2 bus was and was quite annoyed by how Arts canteen was sooooooo packed again!
I went to the wrong classroom yesterday. Hahahaha. I had my first 'Marketing of Southeast Asia's heritage' class, with 21people inside the classroom. I was so happy to have 4 field trips waiting for me in this module,but I was also worried on how the project will be worth 50%!!!
This module makes me want to travel-travel-and-travel!! :)
What should I say?
Well, first impression, I love this module. It will be challenging, but I do believe at the end of the module, I can see my traveling experience from a different perspective.
This afternoon I had lab meeting in psycholinguistics lab. I was quite sleepy,but I really thought that the person's thesis proposal was very interesting. What happened in lab meeting was an honours student presented her thesis proposal. The same thing happens every week, and my turn as a student taking IRP will be in week12, which means I will already have my result by that time.
:) :)
Tomorrow, 'Gender in Southeast Asia' and 'Early Language Development' will be waiting for me :) :)
I went to the wrong classroom yesterday. Hahahaha. I had my first 'Marketing of Southeast Asia's heritage' class, with 21people inside the classroom. I was so happy to have 4 field trips waiting for me in this module,but I was also worried on how the project will be worth 50%!!!
This module makes me want to travel-travel-and-travel!! :)
What should I say?
Well, first impression, I love this module. It will be challenging, but I do believe at the end of the module, I can see my traveling experience from a different perspective.
This afternoon I had lab meeting in psycholinguistics lab. I was quite sleepy,but I really thought that the person's thesis proposal was very interesting. What happened in lab meeting was an honours student presented her thesis proposal. The same thing happens every week, and my turn as a student taking IRP will be in week12, which means I will already have my result by that time.
:) :)
Tomorrow, 'Gender in Southeast Asia' and 'Early Language Development' will be waiting for me :) :)
kadang-kadang aku mikir gimana rasanya kalau aku cuma perlu sekolah tanpa mikirin tetek-bengek hal-hal yang mungkin menurutku mamaku ENGGAK penting
tapi hal ini entah kenapa buatku penting dan di hari pertamaku sekolahku, pikiranku sudah terkuras untuk urus bagian ENGGAK penting dari hal yang menurut mamaku sudah ENGGAK penting (enggak penting kuadrat)
capek bgt!
tapi hal ini entah kenapa buatku penting dan di hari pertamaku sekolahku, pikiranku sudah terkuras untuk urus bagian ENGGAK penting dari hal yang menurut mamaku sudah ENGGAK penting (enggak penting kuadrat)
capek bgt!
Friday, August 6, 2010
orang dengan kesan pertama itu..
orangnya pergi
oh bukan pergi
orangnya memang selalu di situ
tapi ya selalu di situ
memang cuma angin lalu
*tertawa yang keras*
oh bukan pergi
orangnya memang selalu di situ
tapi ya selalu di situ
memang cuma angin lalu
*tertawa yang keras*
Thursday, August 5, 2010
White Coat Ceremony
Yesterday I worked for White Coat Ceremony in NUS. It was a ceremony in which the going-to-year-2 Faculty of Medicine students got their white coat. At that moment, I realized how parents are so proud when their children become doctors. Well, we can make our parents proud in many ways, but to look at the moment when all the parents took picture of their children making pledge as faculty of medicine students, when the children got their white coat,was really a touching moment for me.
A lot of random thought was running around my head when I was standing there at the VIP door (fyi,I work as an usher in University Cultural Centre).Since I was standing at VIP door, all the professors and guest of honour were walking through my door. Of course they were wearing their white coat. At that moment,they all looked very smart and COOL! :P Then the rows of M1 students (going-to-year-2-students) were holding their white coat. They all went up to the stage and the professor put on the white coat on them. When the students walking down from stage, even though they are not-yet-doctors, I saw them as COOL-candidate-of-doctors. They really looked like REAL doctors!! When I am sick and visit a doctor, I've never seen a doctor as COOL and SMART person. Hahahaha. That's why I always don't understand how many parents force their children to be doctors and why so many people want to be doctors!! But yesterday,somehow I understood how the parents were so proud of their kids (who might still have another 3years of upside down to study in faculty of medicine in NUS) receiving the white coat. Oh..and I start to imagine my friends graduate and become doctors: Feli,Yenny,Bayushi,Leo,Martin,Siska,etc. Am I going to visit them (will they give discount for me? :P ). Cool rite?One day I called dr. Fgg (supposedly dr. Feli), dr. Ny Chan (sorry,Yenny :P),dr. Bayushi, dr. Leo, dr. Martin, dr. Siska..wahhhhhhhhh..ppl will not call me "psychologist Ferninda" (too long lah..too heavy hahaha)
I pray that they will be a dedicated doctor who will strive for saving a life.
I pray that they will work for the needy.
I pray that they will have courage to face the challenge that the world has today in medical ethics,that they will defend the lives of the embryo, for the dying people, and many more.
I wonder whether they have white coat ceremony in Indonesia. Maybe when they graduate? Ah...I almost cry.. To be honest,now I imagine Feli is standing with her white coat and diagnosing people,with her nametag,dr.Felicia (but I'll keep calling her dr. Fgg :P).
one last wish,I hope I can also be a dedicated psychologist.I might not wear a white coat,but I'll do my best in this field. :)
jia you!
A lot of random thought was running around my head when I was standing there at the VIP door (fyi,I work as an usher in University Cultural Centre).Since I was standing at VIP door, all the professors and guest of honour were walking through my door. Of course they were wearing their white coat. At that moment,they all looked very smart and COOL! :P Then the rows of M1 students (going-to-year-2-students) were holding their white coat. They all went up to the stage and the professor put on the white coat on them. When the students walking down from stage, even though they are not-yet-doctors, I saw them as COOL-candidate-of-doctors. They really looked like REAL doctors!! When I am sick and visit a doctor, I've never seen a doctor as COOL and SMART person. Hahahaha. That's why I always don't understand how many parents force their children to be doctors and why so many people want to be doctors!! But yesterday,somehow I understood how the parents were so proud of their kids (who might still have another 3years of upside down to study in faculty of medicine in NUS) receiving the white coat. Oh..and I start to imagine my friends graduate and become doctors: Feli,Yenny,Bayushi,Leo,Martin,Siska,etc. Am I going to visit them (will they give discount for me? :P ). Cool rite?One day I called dr. Fgg (supposedly dr. Feli), dr. Ny Chan (sorry,Yenny :P),dr. Bayushi, dr. Leo, dr. Martin, dr. Siska..wahhhhhhhhh..ppl will not call me "psychologist Ferninda" (too long lah..too heavy hahaha)
I pray that they will be a dedicated doctor who will strive for saving a life.
I pray that they will work for the needy.
I pray that they will have courage to face the challenge that the world has today in medical ethics,that they will defend the lives of the embryo, for the dying people, and many more.
I wonder whether they have white coat ceremony in Indonesia. Maybe when they graduate? Ah...I almost cry.. To be honest,now I imagine Feli is standing with her white coat and diagnosing people,with her nametag,dr.Felicia (but I'll keep calling her dr. Fgg :P).
one last wish,I hope I can also be a dedicated psychologist.I might not wear a white coat,but I'll do my best in this field. :)
jia you!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
my ideal house..
I randomly talked to Angie about what I dreamed about my house. Maybe it's because we just went to IKEA last nite.
I used to want to have a BIGGGG house, with library and music studio inside. I also want to have a gazebo in the yard. Once I also planned with my cousins to have a huge pavilion with 4houses connected to each other (mine, my bro's, my cousin's, my other cousin's). hahaha.
Well,now I don't want to have a SUPERBIG house,coz if the maids go back to their hometown, I'll be dying cleaning up my house. Hehehe.. but I still want to have a slightly bigger house than my family's house now. I don't mind having small rooms, but I would like to have a library and a music room to put my piano. I'd also like to have a garden on the 3rd level. Hehehe.. I also want to have a therapy center or my clinics connected with my house.
nice rite?
well,landed house in Spore is very expensive. Hahaha. So I have extra reason to go back to Indo. :P to pursue my dream to have this kind of house :P
I used to want to have a BIGGGG house, with library and music studio inside. I also want to have a gazebo in the yard. Once I also planned with my cousins to have a huge pavilion with 4houses connected to each other (mine, my bro's, my cousin's, my other cousin's). hahaha.
Well,now I don't want to have a SUPERBIG house,coz if the maids go back to their hometown, I'll be dying cleaning up my house. Hehehe.. but I still want to have a slightly bigger house than my family's house now. I don't mind having small rooms, but I would like to have a library and a music room to put my piano. I'd also like to have a garden on the 3rd level. Hehehe.. I also want to have a therapy center or my clinics connected with my house.
nice rite?
well,landed house in Spore is very expensive. Hahaha. So I have extra reason to go back to Indo. :P to pursue my dream to have this kind of house :P
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