Saturday, February 5, 2011

my CNY

Two days before CNY, I did not feel anything. The only thing that came to my mind was "I will have a super-long break, YEAY!" (considering last year's public holiday which always fell on Saturday or recess week, this year's long weekend is a LONG break). I know that a lot of people are going home, but I feel less sad compared with December 'emo-ness'. hehehe..

CNY - 1
I spent the morning playing badminton with Ci Tania and Payoga. Three of us are from the same high school. I felt so happy to be sweating's been years since the last time I played badminton :P

CNY eve
COOKING TIME!!! Nothing to describe this cooking experience except we had lots of fun. our main chef was Ian. Most of the time, I didn't do much :P Ian and Evi led the cooking process, while Ricky was in charge of taking photos. Ci Tania, me, and Payoga were just assigned according to Ian's and Evi's plan. In the same kitchen, some Chinese students were also cooking steamboat. they started later than us, but by the time they already washed their utensils, me and my friends just started eating. it took 3 hours to cook 7 dishes with 2 super-slow electric stoves HAHAHAHAHA

I will continue writing tomorrow. Hehehe.. For now, just wanna say that I'm so glad to spend time with them on CNY :)

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