Thursday, January 13, 2011

the nice people in week 1 :)

In my first two weeks in Singapore, I have met:
1. two nice cab-drivers
I met the first one because I couldn't find my way to Ferdy's office. The cab driver just kept talking to me hehehe
I met the second cab driver this morning. This time also because I couldn't find my way to Margaret Drive. He didn't ask me to pay because actually the place was already very near from where I stopped the cab.
2. two friendly new people :)
I met the first one in Ferdy's office last week. She also brought me to visit CANA and because of her, I knew about the Catholic Church Directory. Hahaha. She also recommended a good place to go snorkeling.
I met the second person in Thai painting class. She's a year-1 English literature student. We're going to be roommate during the Bangkok field trip. Hahaha.

Let me also review what has happened in week 1.
I had a great time with 'mami' Monica. She came from Solo and stayed in my room for two nights. We were chatting a lot :):) hehehehe. On Monday, I had my first class on Developmental Processes. The syllabus is 70% similar with PL4221Early Language Development that I took last semester. I think it's because this semester's lecturer's expertise is in the same area with the lecturer of PL4221. It's not that I don't like the module, but I expect something different from Developmental Processes. Currently I'm doing appeal to take Intro to Clinical Neuropsy. Hopefully I can get that module and drop my current module. Hhhh.. But if I can't, let's see it as a chance to close the holes of any aspects of language development that I missed last semester, and hopefully, it means I can be more 'zai' in language development by the end of the semester. Hehehehe.

My Tuesday
I had Atypical Language and Development class. It was a raining and 30 students missed the class. Hahahaha. The lecturer showed us a video about Steven, a kid with autism who had a savant skill in drawing buildings. This module will be my favorite module of the semester. Hehehehe.
In the afternoon, I had Child Abnormal Psychology class. The lecturer was the same lecturer with Pediatric Psychology that I took last year. Hmmm.... I'm sorry.... But I kept falling asleep in this lecture :(:( the interesting thing is...I met a friend from the same batch and she told me "Ferninda, I'm getting married this year.. In May." wahhhhhh........

My Wednesday
Language and Cognitive Processes
The lecturer is my supervisor from last semester's research module. I could predict that this module is gonna be tough! But the first lecture was such an eye-opening lecture for me with lots of definitions of terms in psycholinguistics that I usually take for granted.

Thai painting!! :):)
I'm looking forward for the Bangkok fieldtrip!! hehehehe.. I don't think I'm good in drawing, I USED TO draw, but I 'lost' the ability to draw when I stepped into secondary school. hehehehehe. However, I'm still excited :):)

It's such a peaceful week for me. Hehehehe. I spend my time printing readings (hehehehe) and dancing. Still struggling to wake up early again (hikzzz..what happens to my body clock??) I suspect I couldn't wake up early because of dance practices. And I'm also struggling to start reading the materials. I start with PL3251 first. Hehehe.

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