Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The crazy dream

The crazy dream

7 July 2011

After writing the post yesterday, I’ve realized that my dream is crazy, but somehow I want to keep it in my heart. I’ve realized that perhaps being a therapist is one of the things that I want to be in the near future, but in the loooooonggggg future, I want to contribute in another way, which is to teach and to do research.

I used to want to be a teacher and now I think about it again, I think I can’t let go the idea of being a teacher. It’s just that things change in my life and what kind of teacher I want to be has also shifted. I used to want to be a primary school teacher and when I’ve decided to be a therapist for children with autism, it’s also a teacher in a unique way. A therapist is a kind of teacher that doesn’t stand in front of the class to teach according to the textbook, but a therapist teaches children with autism to learn basic life skills and to understand instructions from other people. Eventually, the more you learn about things, I think it’s normal to give back to the society. Maybe that’s why I want to be a clinical psychologist and eventually be a lecturer.

I still want to be a therapist. I want to interact with the children and the parents and I want to know more about them. I also want to pursue a clinical psychology degree because even though I’m particularly interested with autism, I also must understand other issues in clinical psychology as a psychologist. That’s why I also want to work in a hospital as clinical psychologist. I’m inspired by my supervisor in Independent Research Project, who set up Speech and Language Pathology Programme in NUS. In the loooooooooooooonggg future I want to set up something like this in Indonesia. It might not be Speech and Language Pathology programme, but it might be a diploma in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy because we need a lot of therapists in Indonesia, but I’ve seen many people are reluctant to take psychology because we are not ‘ready-to-be-employed’ because we still need to do clinical psychology degree. At the same time, this will give more opportunities for them who can’t afford going to university to still study Psychological concepts as their interests are in this field.

It’ll be a loooooooooooooonggggggg journey for me. The more I think about it, the more I can’t think of what life would be if I live in Singapore. Singapore will be my training ground. Don’t worry Singapore, I’ll still contribute to your people in some other ways, but once I have enough knowledge and experience, I will go back to my home country.

Now that I’m entering year 4, I also can’t wait to achieve my dream to set up an NGO, so while I’m here in Singapore or in other countries to study, I can still work for my country. Slowly, Ferninda. Think – Think – Think – Think – Think and make an action 

Yeah... I’m crazy.... my principle is if it is God’s will, it will happen. Even if it doesn’t happen and it’s not God’s will, I will be happy with whatever I ‘end up’ doing as long as it is God’s will. Now I feel relieved 


  1. All the best Da. This is a beautiful dream. And if God wills it, it will certainly happen. But I'm sure you'll serve your brothers and sisters somehow or the other. :)

  2. fer aku baca tulisanmu pagi2 bener-bener bikin seger!! heehehehe. aku jadi terbuka gitu bahwa Taiwan juga sebagai training ground buat aku :)) Ayo semangat fer! Kita musti pinter buat melakukan sesuatu untuk indonesia :D
