Wednesday, March 2, 2011

after 150 krajang taa oi bai thet

i'm supposed to draw 50 krajang per day this week..but today I got midterm at 2pm so I have not drawn krajang for 2 days. So here I am..finishing the last eight krajang..hehehe
krajang ta oi

let me talk about sth that is lingering in my mind during my choir practice today..
Next Sat, 12 March will be my last time singing with Eusoff Choir..
Soon, it'll be the last time for me coming to Salvation Army to give tuition to the little boy.
Time to give up stuff that I used to do has come. I feel sad on one hand, but also relieved. I actually still want to give tuition, but I remember my workload next year and I don't think I can cope with it. Choir has been a great family for me. Well, it's time to say good bye.

Sometimes I am wondering whether it's the right choice or not. Eusoff has been a great family for me, but it's time to move on. I can't believe I'll reach this stage (again) soon, a stage when I really need to focus for my final year. It's still 4months, but the thing is CCAs will end this month, so that's why tonight I started to recall how I have spent my 3 years in Eusoff. Is there any regret? Since now I realize that I don't have so much psychology-related-experience, partly because I have a lot of other commitments in hall and outside hall. I hope it's not too late to do it in my 4th year. And at this moment, I really start asking myself, "Is it what I want to do? Is it what I'm called to do?"

Good morning, everyone :) Enjoy March!

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