Thursday, March 3, 2011

I miss learning Chinese

This is a random thought.
Learning Thai makes me miss learning Chinese. I feel quite sad that I stop learning Chinese and one day I'll also forget all the Thai words that I am currently learning once I stop taking the module. :(:(:(



  1. Do what I am doing now!

    Set your handphone and facebook to Chinese. Then listen to Chinese radio station.

    You can blog in Chinese too! =D

    Haha... That should help!

  2. Haha. Jon - that sounds extreme. I changed my facebook to Italian for a while. Haha. Couldn't take it after a couple of weeks.

    Da - I don't think you'll completely forget what you're learning. It'll stick with you and you'll just need to refresh your knowledge when you want to start learning again.
    And...don't blog in Chinese lor.
