Friday, January 7, 2011

The Gift

The Gift
The Gift, written by Cecelia Ahern, attracted me only because of the sentence under the title “From the author of Ps. I Love You”. I have not heard about this book before, but I do not regret reading it.
Hmm, let me think how I should start sharing about this book.

This is a ‘normal’ story, life of an extremely busy man, Lou. He really wants this particular position in his office despite his current success. Somehow he becomes friend of a homeless guy, Gabe, and he gives him a job in his office. As other ‘normal’ story, Lou has been neglecting his family. He doesn’t spend enough time with his wife and children, he misses family dinner, and he’s absent from his daughter’s play at school.
Then, Gabe makes it possible for Lou to be at two places at the same time. This has become a turning point for him. Initially, I thought the book will revolve around he can handle things well between family and work by being at 2 places at the same time, but I was wrong (and I like it when my prediction is wrong when I’m reading :P). However, it’s true that the opportunity to be at two places at the same time, has knocked Lou’s head to see things differently and to realize how important his family is to him. 

There is one part of this book when Gabe was juggling some fruits in front of Lou while Lou was calling his wife and Gabe dropped the fruit when Lou replied to his wife that he cannot come for family dinner. After the phone call, Lou asked Gabe, “You’re not good at juggling, are you?” Gabe answered, “I guess it’s not juggling if you decide to drop one.” :)

The book reminds me of the value of time. We can earn money, but we cannot earn time. I guess I’m struck by this story because in the midst of business, I find myself in Lou, physically here, but my mind is somewhere else. On other occasion, I do not really juggle, sometimes I decide to drop things even though I know they are the most important ones for me.

It’s still new year and Christmas atmosphere now. Despite the fact the bus has greeted us with “Gong Xi Fa Cai”, which is also another new year :), I guess it’s a right moment for me to reflect on how I use my time, the best gift ever. 

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