Friday, January 7, 2011

a piece from my childhood

In 2009 I scanned some childhood photos. Three days ago, I decided to bring the photos to Singapore and last night I slept after looking at those pictures. I was surprised that every detail reminded me of lots of things from my childhood and I like to remember those things.
Let's look at this photo and I'll write my blog as in I play a quiz with you :P
Do you see the pink handkerchief? It means I had a flu :P and the handkerchief around my neck means I was coughing. My mom put some balm on my neck and wrapped it with handkerchief to ease my cough.
The uniform is a PE uniform. When I was kindergarten, umm, actually when everybody is a kindergarten kid, I didn't need to wear the main uniform and bring the PE attire. I just needed to wear it on one particular day every week.

Do you see the box behind me? It's a lunch box, with water bottle inside it. FYI, I still brought lunch box till I was high school. If I study in Indo university, I confirm bring lunch box to campus :P
This picture is funny coz it shows the smoke from my dad's cigarette very clearly. Hehehehe. I didn't notice it before. The cute boy is my brother. Hehehehe.
Do you see the calendar? It has 3 different dates below the BIG number: Chinese date, Javanese date, and Islam date. Up to now, my grandma always prefers this kind of calendar, which you just tear every day. Hehehehe.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. So cute! :D

    You liked posing back then too I see. :p

    And that lunch box looks pretty big!
