Wednesday, January 5, 2011



a short and quick post before I'm going to bed:
1. thanks to Bu Tuti, my maths teacher in secondary 1, who asked the class to write a "big plan for new year"
Since then, I always make big plan every year and of course with other plans and resolutions :)

over the years, I've learned to not only having a big plan, but it must be supported with the 'ordinary plan' (I won't say it's small, coz the 'small' ones are the hardest!!). It doesn't matter whether the big plan is achieved or not, but the amount of effort that I put must reflect that I'm worth it..but if I don't get it, it's okay..maybe it's not the way :)

for example:
eg. big plan: Getting CAP 5.0 (note that this is an example)
as we know, the bell-shaped curve might make us feel that no matter how hard we study, whether we get CAP 5.0 or not depends on other people's grades too
but it's not the FIVE-POINT-ZERO-ZERO that matters, but how we put our effort to achieve it :)
for me, if I get A, but I know I don't really give my 100%, I feel "Ok lah..."
when I get C+, but I know I already give my 100%, 1st reaction: I'm hurt and shocked.. but eventually, there's no regret! There's still a feeling of happiness coz I put 100% for that module.

my friend's resolution: meet her soulmate :)
initially, i nvr want to put this-kind-of-resolution. But I support her for putting this as a resolution. No one knows whether u will meet ur soulmate this year, but maybe for her, keeping this resolution in mind means that she'll pray about it, she'll do her best to open her heart to other people, she'll improve herself, it doesn't mean she'll put on make-up more often , but perhaps she'll pay more attention on what she should wear for occasion A or B and behave better :):)
so...she'll always be ready :):)

Dream..pray..and do your best :):)

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