Tuesday, December 21, 2010

my mom's advice

Thank God for the exam result today :):)
Actually it's not only about the exam result, but His guidance and the people He has sent to help me in these 2.5 years in NUS, especially in this semester

I'd like to share my mom's advices that she gave since I was Primary 1:
1. Read your book every day, no need to study, just read, but do it every day
2. Ask your teacher immediately when you have questions
3. NEVER EVER HATE the subject or the teacher..
Last but the most powerful advice,

PRAY! :)

and these are the things that my mom keeps saying in the midst of difficult times:
1. Don't stress, crying 3 nights 3 days can't finish your assignments :P
2. SLEEP..don't force yourself too much, SLEEP! --> i take it seriously, i always have enough sleep in reading week and exam week

this semester, I got a new tips from Fr Joe, and I've found it very helpful!! I should have done it since the beginning of the semester. He told us to draw circles and divide them into 4 parts. Every time we have studied for 15minutes, we shade a quarter of the circle. If we take a break, don't shade the circle. This method helps me realize how much time I spend to study, rest, and how much time I waste, especially for facebooking :P

Two semester ago, Dom introduced to St. Joseph of Cupertino. You might have read the post about prayer to ask his intercession before exam. http://www.ewtn.com/library/mary/joseph.htm
This semester, when Legion of Mary did exam visitation, we distributed the prayer of St. Joseph of Cupertino, I kept some cards in my books and I put the card on the table and pray in the middle of my study.
Studying was a tough time. After 2 hours, my concentration usually decreased so fast =.= This past one year, my friends have taught me to offer my study and work to Our Lord, for people's intention :) This has helped me to persevere. and this semester, I feel very grateful coz ICy friends are very niceee.. I haven't been to ICy for sooo long but some people still SMS me to say "jiayou!! all the best" on exam days.

Back to my mom's advice,
I think it's never too late to start all over again..not only to get good grades, but to really learn something.. I love what I'm studying and I'm really grateful that I enjoy my modules this semester, so there's no regret. Even the module that makes me shocked at the beginning (gender in Southeast ASia) has made me find out more about the Church teaching on sexuality and marriage. Really really thank God for this semester..my lv4 psy module made me cry coz there were just so many things that I had to read, but I was amazed how God equipped the babies and infants with the ability to learn language from this module :P

and again, thanks to my parents and friends who have helped me a lot!!!!! and have prayed for me :)

oh one more thing I wanna share,
I remember I had 8 deadlines after NUANSA and I 'suffered' from post-production syndrome. What I did that time was to remember the joy I felt when the curtain closed after the production, and I was looking forward for the same joy in my commencement in 2012. The only difference is NUANSA needs 1 year preparation, undergraduate life takes 4 years, but if I put my love of studying to these 4 years, I believe when the 'curtain closes', I'll feel the same joy as when I did NUANSA :):)

1 comment:

  1. Good advice from your mum. I tried Fr Joe's suggestion and realised that I waste a lot of time.

    Congratulations for this sem!!
