Monday, May 23, 2016

Random date ideas

Once my friends and I discussed this topic on what else can be done together with your boyfriend other than eating and watching movies.

Here are some fun things that I did with my boyfriend. Some of them initially don't feel like a proper date but they can be fruitful too as they help us to get to know each other better.

1. Jog together
It's free. Yeay!
But... If you are not sporty just like I am not, this activity can be a challenge. Nevertheless, it feels good to have your boyfriend or girlfriend patiently encourages us to keep running while I already want to walk :p

2. Visit a museum
It is very relaxing and it gives us novel stuff to be discussed

3. Play with his niece or nephew
This one is more fun for me than for him as I do enjoy running or dancing around with toddlers. It is entertaining for both of us, while I play with his niece, he will take the role of monster or any other bad guy and suddenly disturb her.
It is also a chance to discuss a lot about how we want to educate our kids next time. I found that he prefers not to threaten kids (eg if u don't do A, I won't do B) which I prefer too but I sometimes forget. He found out that I don't like to call kids "lousy" or "naughty". And both of us agree that we should try not to let our kids watch TV or ipad while eating. All because we play together with his niece.

4. Rock climbing
Another sport outing. We used to go all the way to climb on weekday night. And we used to quarrel in the middle of climbing until I want to give up climbing with him.

Again, this becomes a big learning point for us. I used to think it is just a hobby and I don't bother to improve my skills. At the same time, it also helps him, who is a more experienced climber, to learn to be gentle in correcting me. Rock climbing has become a miniature of our relationship. Now that I desire to be a better climber too, it is easier for both of us to push each other to be better. We have a common goal (i.e. To take level 2 climbing certification) and we work together to reach that goal.

5 . hang out with other couples
I used to think that quality time is equal to the time between me and him only. However, since the beginning of our relationship, my mentor has been encouraging me to hang out with other couples. It was not easy initially as my calculation was such that if I meet you with our friends, we need one more hanging out time just two of us.

Of course we still have our exclusive date, but the time spent with our friends are worthwhile. Our minds are more opened, because things (especially problems) that I used to think exclusively his problem or he used to think exclusively my problem, most of the times are also problems of other couples!

It also helps us(especially me!) to think of other people more and I learn a great deal from couples who are more mature. For example, we know this couple that goes out with an elderly man every Sunday and once in few months will ask us to come along too. They are as young as me and my boyfriend but super-generous with their time! 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

King Louie, Mowgli, and false power

I am really bad in remembering exact quotes from movies. When I watched the Jungle Book scene on how King Louie tried to persuade Mowgli, I was reminded of a similar scene in the book of Genesis.
Mowgli said the red flower is dangerous and the wolves didn't let him play with it. King Louie argued that they told him so because whoever controls the red flower will be "on the top of the world". This scene sounds very familiar to me. Wasn't it like what Satan said to Eve to persuade her to eat the forbidden fruit ? "... your  eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil"

Now that I think about it again, that scene is not something that happened to Adam and Eve. It is something that happens to me very often. God didn't want me to do so and so because I will miss the fun, I will lose the "power". I am not talking about a big crime like cheating on someone or stealing, but I am talking about simple ordinary sacrifices that God wants me to do.

At times when my conscience tells me not to book a flight ticket out of impulse just because it is cheap, Satan says "come on, everybody is doing it. Isn't travelling frequently a normal thing to do?it gives me power on Facebook. How many ppl will" like" ur travel photos? " or when my conscience tells me not to watch  videos out of curiosity, Satan says I will miss the happenings that everyone knows!

This may sound silly to you :p but I think that scene really reminds me of the daily struggle of the false power that King Louie's promises to Mowgli