Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Biology Lesson

Last Saturday, I learned from my friend how to differentiate female vs male crab

The male crab has V-Shape thing on its abdomen, while the female crab has this round shape. However, there was one my friend's crab that we couldn't identify whether it's a male or female.

I also saw the crab's breathing!! It was quite amazing. I don't know how to describe, but you can see some parts moving while it's breathing. I was actually quite surprised to see the crabs are soooo small. I mean, when you talk about 'crab', I always imagine the crab on the plates. Apparently, my friend said that majority of the crabs are small and majority are poisonous and non-edible!! wahh..

The super-small crabs looked so fragile. I didn't dare to catch them because I was worried I would press them to death (sounds so psychotic), but at the end I could 'drag' them along the side of their box to move them to another place (sorry crab!). I still cannot hold the sides of the crab. Hahaha. Ohh but most of the crabs were quite fierce. I saw them tried to pinch my friend's fingers. One jumped from the sink to the floor (but she/he was still alive). There's something interesting about crab defense mechanism. They'll try to escape first before they pinch you. So, 'pinching' is the last resort.

So yeah..that's the bio lesson of the day.

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