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This week I went to kindergarten almost every day to assess some K2's vocabulary. One of the K2 boy (around 6 years old) told my colleague:
xx: I'm very scared when I'm 18, I need to do army. I'm scared to die!
my colleague: oh, how old are you now?
xx: 6
my colleague: ahh. Don't worry, it's still 12 more years.
In Singapore, all boys need to do National Service (2 years military training). I didn't expect a 6-year-old kid to be worried about army!!
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On Monday, the Legionaries celebrated my birthday with durian!! When I was outside the door, I smelled durian already, but I thought "Oh maybe durian cake!" It turned out to be real durian!! Yipeeeee!!!
Perhaps it's true that as you grow older, birthday becomes 'just like other day'. Nevertheless, Fr Mario told me that birthday is an opportunity to give thanks and to renew the struggle to be better :)
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My spiritual reading now is on "The Soul of Apostolate". It's very good! Many people are so active here and there and forgetting their own interior life.
It's a good reminder for me to struggle better in my prayer and doing the norms of piety. At busy moments like last week, it was quite hard to do my prayer. However, thank God that this week is better! I managed to sleep for 7.5 hours for two nights and how big the difference that this rest makes :P Of course, when we don't get enough sleep, we shouldn't be grumpy!
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My boyfriend is not a flower-giver, so when he does, it becomes super-special. Smart man huh!
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The most difficult part when I run experiment with children is, how to answer the children who are not in our participants list. This week one of the children whispered at my ear, "Are you going to call me?" Another child asks, "Are you coming tomorrow? Can you call me next week?" So I tried to console them and said, "Don't worry, I'm still your friend even though you are not called to play in the music room. If I call all children in the class, no one will listen to teacher's story!"
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Yesterday I attended doctrine class on Freedom, Conscience, and Natural Law. I was lost in the middle of the class. Luckily Father asked, "Any questions? Ferninda, do you understand?" Then I was like, "Urgh, I didn't get the last sentence." Krizia helped me to point the notes that I wrote (without understanding it!). Father was talking about the common perception on freedom of conscience and that conscience is independent of moral law. This perception is not true. Right or true conscience follows the moral law!!
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For the following weeks, I'll be busy running vocabulary assessments for the kindergarten kids. We want to see how vocabulary is related with the result from the experiment. Pray for me!!!
More quick takes at www.conversiondiary.com!
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