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Somehow during a meeting with my bosses and colleague, one of my bosses brought up a question of "going for community project" (i.e., going overseas to build house/school, teaching schools, etc.) We were discussing about the importance of sustainability of this kind of project and we agreed that the people who benefit the most from this project are the volunteers. My boss asked question about, "Where's the local's community voice? Is this kind of programme really beneficial?"
I didn't say a single word. Let me share a little thought about this kind of overseas voluntary project.
I used to have the same opinion too, that this kind of project must be 'sustainable'. It must be beneficial in the long run and it must 'empower' the local community. I'm not sure how people define 'sustainability' or 'benefit' or 'empowerment' in this kind of project, but I believe there are many levels of 'sustainability' and 'benefit'.
Disclaimer: I don't mean that we should ignore the material benefit or practical advantage of this programme to the 'recipient'.
On top of the effort to build well, build school, teach classes, or whatever plan, I think another level of benefit to the local community is to feel that someone out there is caring for you. When I went to Thailand two years ago, the fondest memory of this trip was when a little girl, whose name means 'star' sat on one of my friend's lap. The principal of the school later on told us that there was a problem with her parents, she lived with her aunt. Being able to sit on someone's lap may not give a benefit in the long run, but considering her family background, I do believe that this is 'something' for her.
Even though all of us who went there are Catholics, we didn't go there to baptize them or to force Catholicism on them!! We didn't go there under the banner of "We are from Catholic Church", but we went there just to let them see the reflection of Christ's love and we also found Christ in them. I really need to clarify that not all religious groups go for a mission for their 'own agenda' (whatever it means). Well, I think the agenda to let someone else feels God's love is not a bad agenda, is it?
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My books have arrived. I've just started reading Brideshead Revisited. The words are quite difficult, but yeah, I'm putting effort to read slower this time.
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Today I put this small writing on the edge of laptop "St. Joseph, help me to work hard." Thank God, it's effective. Hahaha. Working hard is still not easy, but God does give us strength when we try to imitate St. Joseph and when we run to St. Joseph.
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Every time someone breaks up, I (this time my other friend is the one who gives the advice) always tried to remind the person who just broke up, that breaking up is like sitting in exam. Once you pass, you are ready for the next level of relationship. This was my mom's advice 5 years ago! I still remember how I was crying and laughing at the same time when she told me this advice. Another important advice that my mom gave was, "Stop hoping that this guy will come back to you." Oh well, let me rephrase the advice. I guess we should hope in the Lord. What I kept telling myself was "This guy is a nice guy, but he's not the RIGHT person." This reminder is used to avoid the mentality of 'hating' the ex-boyfriend, but at the same time to cheer me up that God will show me the RIGHT person.
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Tomorrow Paul's senior will give a talk on oil palm expansion and biodiversity. She did lots of work in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. She's a very nice and adventurous girl! :) Anyway, this talk is organized in relation to UNIV 2014, an annual student gathering in Rome to discuss particular topic of the year. Every year, students from all over the world write paper on a topic and if the paper is selected, they will be invited to Rome!! I regret that I didn't try to write any paper for UNIV when I was undergraduate :( (only undergraduates can submit paper). If your paper is selected, you have chance to meet Holy Father!!! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* Okay let me rephrase it. It's not only 'meet' or 'see' (using binoculars), but 'granted special audience' by Holy Father!!!!!
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Tomorrow is my colleague's wedding!!! So funny, she sometimes lost her engagement ring at the office (e.g., after washing her hands, she sometimes forgot where she kept the ring). So one day I asked her, "Can't we wear engagement ring as a necklace? I have a feeling one day when I am engaged, I may lose my engagement ring like you." So she said that she tried that before but it was not nice because she couldn't look at it. Anyway, somehow she always found the ring (Thank God!!).
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ps. today's quick takes are hosted by Clan Donaldson :)