Saturday, December 14, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday - Vol.25

- 1 -

I disappeared last week for Girls' Camp! It was tiring, but I think I'm kinda 'used to the girls'. A couple lent their house to us (yes, to "us" --> 15 primary school girls + 2 adults). So niceeee!! So we kept telling the girls to take care of the house. (Well, they tried their best)

It's better than renting a chalet, because this house is a home :) It's naturally homey and of course they have stuff here and there (so no kids do cartwheel in the house). They had water feature in the first level (Thank God without any fish, because the kids soaked their legs in the 'pond' as if they were going for fish spa).

They performed Annie! So nice! I was quite touched when they sang Tomorrow ^^ They were very talented!! of the mothers taught the girls to cook carbonara for dinner, to prepare breakfast for the Saturday morning, and to bake pizza for Saturday night!! (I learned a bit too, these girls were much much much better than me). They loved cheese a lot, so me and Marie didn't have much cheese left on our pizza. However, one of the girls was so generous in 'donating' cheese for us =P They were very sweet. On the last day of camp (the performance day), one of the mothers asked me, "How are the girls? Are they well-behaved? Are they naughty?" To be honest, I think they are okay :) Even though it's quite tiring to go up and down the house because when I said "It's your group's turn to clean up, right?" some of them would say, "later" and how I was a bit frustrated that some of them told ghost stories and the smaller girls were scared while I tried to figure out how to switch on the light again, I think they are nice girls :):) Naughty is definitely not a way to describe them. They're just a little bit messy (like me!!!). How patient my mom is...nah, now I know >.<

- 2 -

End of year is coming, so I've been thinking of my past resolutions. When people ask whether I have accomplished my resolutions, I can't say much because my resolutions are concrete habits that I want to foster throughout the year. There were months when the resolutions are accomplished, there were also months when I just forgot about it (or tried to do it, but failed).

I think so far, my most accomplished resolutions were the exercise and the cutting-down of MacDonalds =P At least I'm more aware of the importance of these two =P

- 3 -

I've just finished Brideshead Revisited (ps. how to pronounce "Brideshead" properly? Is it "bride-shead" or "Brides-head"?) I didn't enjoy the book at the beginning, but I was just curious and couldn't wait to see where this friendship between Sebastian and Charles led them into. I started to feel 'awake' after the scene of meal between Sebastian, Charles, Cordelia, and Brideshead. I imagine Cordelia (Sebastian's younger sister) as a sweet girl (well, for that scene, I imagine her a bit like one of the girls in the girls' club) and how she innocently said, "I'll pray for you, Charles". I laughed alone too when she said that she'll just offer a decade of Rosary daily cos she got a long list to pray for. Hahaha.

I did enjoy the description of the setting, especially Sebastian's house! However, due to my poor vocabulary (and again, laziness to look up meaning of new words in dictionary), I don't think I imagine it 'accurately'. I wonder how Charles' painting really looks like!

And.........I enjoyed the 'drama' of Sebastian's family. It's like, hmmm, how to say, just 'watching' a normal family. I'm quite impressed by Lady Marchmain's "little chat" with Charles. Well, it's not something that my mom does with my friend, but her relationship with even her son's friend is not something beyond imagination for me after I see how the mothers of the girls in the girls' club take care of 'the soul of their daughters' friends' too. There's an openness and a real concern about Charles in Lady Marchmain.

- 4 -

So now, I'm taking a 'break' by reading Peter Pan =)
It's like catching up on English children books because I didn't have chance to read before =P
The 'problem' is..the reason I read quite fast is because I read my novels on my way (even as short as from bus stop to office), for example, on MRT. Today I have been smiling (with a big smile) as I was reading on the MRT. Hehehe. --> crazy!

- 5 -

Ahhh it's so nice to have a weekend!
This week has been tough. Well, I think my colleagues have been working very hard and I should've worked harder >.< It's really challenging to keep awake after lunch and sometimes I felt a bit feverish, or I had enough sleep but I woke up feeling a bit dizzy.

1.5 more weeks to Christmas!!
It's too fast!! I haven't done anything!!!

- 6 -

A good news this week: I managed to scrub the bathroom (including the hidden corners). I felt sooooooooooo happy. You know, after you constantly need to remind the girls to clean up and put order in the house during camp, you feel so ashamed of not putting order in your OWN house (that's what I feel!). I really need to make a routine. This week, I tried to clean little by little. I'm not that super-clean yet, but at least, know scrubbing toilet bowl is an automatic thing for me.

The thing is..I need to be realistic at the same time. I shouldn't find excuses, but cleaning schedule for a single-full-time employees-living-with-3-busy-housemates is different from a full-time homemaker's schedule. My mistake is, I find it very annoying and difficult to sacrifice my going-out time to clean up my room. However, at the same time, I find it depressing to have a messy room (or house). So yeah..the aim now is at least I must spare time to clean my own ROOM properly, and try to clean the other parts of the house bit by bit every day. Clean joyfully!! =) It struck me a lot when the Gospel reflection on the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto mentioned "Put an element of sacrifice in things that we do at our home."'s true. When you're happy and energetic, it's easy to empty your rubbish bin. When you go home late and tired, emptying rubbish bin is a BIG thing. It does need a sacrifice, but if we do it cheerfully and offer it up for Our Lord, it is a humble but beautiful offering too :)

- 7 -

Yesterday me and my friends watched Singapore Symphony Orchestra.
As I was watching the concert last night, something that made me sad  is the fact that I won't be home for Christmas. Yes yes I know that this time I'll spend Christmas with my boyfriend (and I'm very grateful that we can spend Christmas together), but it's still different. Anyway, I'll invite my colleagues to my house to celebrate Christmas with my housemates too. :):)

More quick takes at Jen's blog!! Oh, I forgot to share the link to 7QT two weeks ago!!

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