Friday, February 20, 2015

It's okay to make mistakes *but get up again!*

I don't really like to talk about issues around modesty in public, because personally I've failed here and there too. I sometimes looked back at my past mistakes and I was like, "oh man...such a shame".

However, on the other hand, I feel that talking about these issues has become an affirmation for me. It helps me to think twice or thrice before I decide what I'm going to wear or before I behave in public (even though there may not be any friends that I know around me). It's not about being scrupulous in measuring how many centimeters my dress is, but it's more about whether this dress/cloth is flattering and whether it reflects my personality and my ideals. It's not only about feeling good or looking good, but talking about these issues about modesty actually helps me about the basic philosophy of the unity between body and soul.

I remember when I was an undergraduate, I wore an ugly basketball pants with slippers to class because most students wear shorts to class (but I felt uncomfortable of wearing too-short shorts to class). I also didn't realize that those who wore slippers actually wore branded slippers ($50 for a pair of slippers!) while I wore a bathroom slippers.

Anyway, thankfully I gave up. I realized it's ugly and I went back to my shirt+jeans attire. Since my second year in university, I became a roommate with another Indonesian girl and I noticed that she really makes an effort to dress well to class (especially if she has class at faculty of arts and social sciences because students in engineering faculty do not bother to dress well). To be honest, she looks nice and I want to look nice too! Come on, who doesn't want to look presentable? Since then, the journey of dressing well has begun.

It's a never-ending journey. Learning to dress well is a life-learning process. I definitely don't agree with obsession of owing branded cloth or buying cloth just because it's on sale. However, I slowly also agree that dressing shabbily is not a good thing. It's a whole process of respecting myself and respecting other people that I meet. My family is very thankful to my boyfriend because he is kinda 'speed up' this learning process. HAHAHA.

Anyway, it's okay to make mistakes. For super shorts, I can't do much so I wear them to sleep. As for dresses that have low cut, or backless, I do still wear them with creativity: with tube, with scarfs, with cardigans, as they still look nice and modest if I combined them with other basics. In fact, I recently love the combination of a tube maxi dress and plain crop top (with high heels, cos I'm short)! If you bump into me, you won't know it's a tube dress. =P  It's also good because crop top is cheap (cheaper than cardigan), but I won't wear a crop top because I don't agree that to look pretty you need to show your belly button. =P Some tube maxi dresses are also cheaper than other maxi dresses, so this combination is my cheapest and favorite so far. Hahaha.

ps. the rule of thumb is our cloth should direct people to our eyes and face, not to our other parts of our body as we communicate a lot through our eyes (more info here).

Let's get up again! ^^ Cheers!

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