A survey in 2014 showed that almost half of Singaporeans are not satisfied with their jobs. Reading this statistics made me feel grateful as even though research was not my dream job, I was satisfied with my research assistant job and stayed in that position for three years.
Currently I'm working in education sector, a field that requires long working hours and unfortunately doesn't pay me much. However, I feel happy in this field for the past 1.5 years, and once my colleague asked me, "What makes you happy?"
So here is a little sharing about it.
disclaimer: I'm not always happy =P
1) It's okay to make a mistake
There are moments when I feel sad and discouraged because I keep making mistakes at my workplace. Until now I still make mistakes. However, I realize that once I remind myself that it's okay to make mistakes, I feel happier. I learn that my self-worth does not depend on how many mistakes I've committed.
2) Others make mistakes too
It can be quite irritating when other people make mistakes too (that may cause you work more). Again, people are not perfect. Of course we should try to help our colleague to be a better person, but we can't force them to change immediately. Remember that back to point 1, we make mistakes too and many other times our colleagues have been understanding with us.
3) Smile, even when you don't feel like it
Recently I subscribed to a course on Highbrow about small habits that yield big results. One of the recommended habits is smiling! I really feel that it makes a huge difference.
Currently I'm working in education sector, a field that requires long working hours and unfortunately doesn't pay me much. However, I feel happy in this field for the past 1.5 years, and once my colleague asked me, "What makes you happy?"
So here is a little sharing about it.
disclaimer: I'm not always happy =P
1) It's okay to make a mistake
There are moments when I feel sad and discouraged because I keep making mistakes at my workplace. Until now I still make mistakes. However, I realize that once I remind myself that it's okay to make mistakes, I feel happier. I learn that my self-worth does not depend on how many mistakes I've committed.
2) Others make mistakes too
It can be quite irritating when other people make mistakes too (that may cause you work more). Again, people are not perfect. Of course we should try to help our colleague to be a better person, but we can't force them to change immediately. Remember that back to point 1, we make mistakes too and many other times our colleagues have been understanding with us.
3) Smile, even when you don't feel like it
Recently I subscribed to a course on Highbrow about small habits that yield big results. One of the recommended habits is smiling! I really feel that it makes a huge difference.
"Scientists have claimed, 'Smiling stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match.' It releases positive chemicals in our brains that tell us things are OK at this moment. It’s a time of peace and joy."
I really feel that it makes a huge difference. When my students leave at 3pm, I feel tired, yet I still need to prepare and move fast to prepare for the following day. I'll sit in the office for awhile, and tell myself, "breathe!" and smile and move on! Sometimes, as I carry rolls of paper or cutting stuff, I'll hum and sing my favorite song to make me smile or I just make silly comments to make other people laugh. It makes me happier!
Fernindaaaa aku kangen tulisanmu hihihi. Ini bener-bener yang aku butuhin untuk menghadapi hari. Makasih yaa udah mengingatkannya lagi :P GBU Fer!!