Monday, October 4, 2010

i'm sorry my blog

i'm sorry my blog..
seems like i only posted here when i hv problem..

it's only one more month and why is the person still leaving me and my friends??
i'm very sad..
there's no disappointment nor anger..
i'm just sad coz I and my friends cannot be the last reason you stay on..
is it too personal??

I cannot think..

when I read your email I feel that I'm failed before I go on the stage..
I remember Ian told me to cheer up and to enjoy and not to take this too personally when another person left..
but the most horrible thing that I felt this year is not to see people miss deadlines, but a feeling of being left..
it's hard to cope with that feeling,do u know that??
especially you are not the only person who did it!!!

initially i thought i'm worried ppl see the comm as sth bad and don't want to join anymore..but now it's's not about the comm or the event, but it's about a friendship and I cannot let myself out of guilt and regret..

maybe tomorrow I'll feel better..
I have to lift my mood up till one more month then I'll crawling in week12 to do my mountainous assignments which happily lying there on the table..
and I just can't start to do my assignment!!!!!



  1. Jesus Help me.
    In every need let me come to you
    with a humble trust saying,
    Jesus help me.

    In all my doubts,
    perplexities and temptations,
    Jesus help me.

    In hours of loneliness,
    weariness and trials,
    Jesus help me.

    In failure of my plans and hopes,
    in disappointments,
    troubles and sorrows,
    Jesus help me.

    When others fail me
    and your grace alone can assist me,
    Jesus help me.

    When I throw myself on your tender love,
    as my Lord and Saviour,
    Jesus help me.

    When my heart is cast down by failure
    at seeing no good coming from my efforts,
    Jesus help me.

    When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work
    and I am lonely,
    Jesus help me.

    Always, always, in spite of weariness,
    falls and shortcomings of every kind,
    Jesus help me and never forsake me.


    Will pray for you Da!

  2. take a deep breath and try to relax a bit
    ida that I knew is the cheerful one, so cheer up ok? he3x
    Pray to God, and He'll show the way wkwk

    -Ivan Pardede A.K.A ice1217, over and out-
