Saturday, August 17, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday - Vol. 12

- 1 -

Today the girls in Girls' Club (series of Saturday's activities and spiritual formation for primary school girls) had a drama workshop. They'll be performing Annie (cut down to 15 minutes!!) at the end of this year. It's quite fun to see them trying to introduce themselves as Mr. Warbucks and Annie

- 2 -

I was bombarded with work for the past two days after I came back from leave. :(
I talked to Krizia and she gave me some tips to break down the tasks and to talk to my boss. I feel enlightened after talking to my boss, at least now I know what to prioritize. Thank God!

- 3 -

I finally went to S.E.A Aquarium. It was crowded (with Indonesian tourists!!). This is one interesting conversation that I had during my trip:

Paul: (showed me mudskipper) See see the mudskipper?
Me: wahhh..
a kid: (to her mom) Mommy mommy what is that? (point to the mudskipper)
mom: Looks like prawn. (both mom and kid spoke in Indonesian)
me: (to the kid) it's not a prawn.
Paul, paul, what is mudskipper in Indonesian??
Paul: how do I know??

The wonderful thing about having animal behaviourist-boyfriend see what other people do not see!

Like this cleaning station =D

or this mating sharks..

- 4 -

I still have homesick. Sigh!
It's not as bad as previous holidays, thank God I only went home for one week..However, I've been dragging my feet for the past three days, and had a gloomy face every time I arrived at my house here in Singapore. I don't know. It's still...difficult. The feeling of homelessness is coming back and sometimes I'm just wondering, how long more I will be 'homeless' like this?? (even though I know that this situation is temporary)

- 5 -

Today is Indonesia's Independence Day celebration. Me and my friend had a chat, how we hate it when people say, "You don't want to go back to Indonesia, because you don't love your country, do you?" I know friends who come back to our homeland to work after graduating from Australia. Does it mean they love Indonesia? I think it really depends on many reasons. I still love my country and have difficulties to accept the fact that most likely I won't go back to my country. At the same time, I always challenge myself, "Do I want to go back to my country for the comfort I receive from my family?" "Do I want to stay in Singapore for a selfish reason?" Sometimes I really feel that I can contribute more to my country by not going home. Plus, I still need to pay my student loan!

- 6 -

I read this book in Indonesian:

I think it's very useful for people who want to understand basic principles of Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. It's beautiful and it's addressed in a very personal manner. My mom wanted to read this book! (it's quite a rare occasion in which she asks me to leave my book so she can read it :P)

- 7 -

I finished writing the article about "Why young people cannot close their ears about Church teaching on contraception?" Thanks to my senior, Imma, for editing the article. It's really challenging to write a proper article in Indonesian language. Thanks to the book above (Catholic for a Reason IV), I managed to get proper translation of the most cited points from Gaudium et Spes.

More quick takes at!

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