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Greeting from Indonesia! I am spending my long weekend in Indonesia. My helper is on vacation, so my vacation becomes a replacement for my helper. Ironing + mopping the whole house :) Anyway, I've got lots of cleaning up tips from my mom. I've done lots of things wrong in my house in SG. For example, I don't have a separate pail to wash kitchen wipes. *yup, it's disgusting* My mom has three different pails to wash clothes, wipes, and mats.
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Once Paul asked, "Why do people never learn from previous generation? Mother-in-law always has problem with daughter-in-law." Now...I now someone who has learned it and has peaceful relationship with her daughter-in-law. It's my maternal grandma. It turns out that every time my maternal grandma complained about little things that my aunt does, my grandma would call my mom, then my mom would tell her that my grandma was a visitor in that house so she shouldn't complain to my aunt because each person has her own way to manage the house. So...that's the secret how my aunt always said that her mother-in-law is nice. On top of that, if my aunt complained about my uncle, my grandma would talk to my uncle and correct him. So..rule of thumb from my mom is.. respect other person's "territory". If I were 'visitor' next time, let's say I'll temporarily live with in-laws, I need to ask-ask-and-ask how they do things in their house.
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I finally met my brother's girlfriend. A very simple girl and thank God, now she's the one stopping my brother from spending money on unnecessary things. Hahaha.
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What happened this week? Ohhh..lots of work. I am taking leave at the 'wrong time'. I was really rushing to finish some analysis on the observation and passed everything to my colleague (sorry, Wanyu!!!). I hope I don't leave anything behind!
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Somehow I feel like someone who's taking sleeping-pill when I'm at home. I seriously sleep a lot!! I took two naps on Thursday and I slept non-stop on my way from my house to my uncle's house and on our way back yesterday. So...it's kinda a blessing that my mom asked me to clean the house these past two days. Anyway, my helper is coming back to work tomorrow (kinda unexpected!) *smile*
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The morning mass at St. Laurensius was very well-attended. I guess there should be around 60 people? I mean...these two days are public holidays and to see so many people attending 6am Mass on public holidays is very uplifting. :)
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My cousin and my brother told me how the Protestant cell group members in their university have been trying to bring them to their church and cell groups. Thankfully my cousin is very firm, when her friend said "Anyway our service and your Mass is the same", my cousin just said, "It's different. It's just different". Because this friend of hers is actually a lapse-Catholic, I told my cousin that she has responsibility to explain to this friend about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and to explain the difference!
Pray for her friend!
For more quick takes, do visit www.conversiondiary.com!
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