Saturday, August 3, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday - Vol.10: 7 things I want to do in August

- 1 -

I'm counting down the days to go home (real home = Indonesia) next Wednesday! The plan of this trip home is just to spend time with my family, and of course with Pril, Nyz, and Nic. Initially I wanted to buy wine from duty free, but apparently my dad wants me to buy something so I'll see if I can ask my senior who will go home using the same flight can buy the wine. If we go to Indonesia, one person can only buy 1 bottle of alcohol in the duty free.

Usually when I go home, I'll also clean the statues of Our Lady and Jesus upstairs. Hopefully I can do it again this time. 

- 2 -

Next, I plan to write an article for my parish magazine in Indonesia. Let's pray that hopefully I don't write wrong information! (Yes, I'll send it to some friends to proofread and check the accuracy of the article). I'm quite nervous because I'm used to think of some terms in English. It feels to translate "openness to life" to Indonesian language (any suggestion, Nic??). Another thing that I don't know about my church in Indonesia is how they prepared the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC). Obviously I'm 'not-yet-there' and I know that in Singapore and other countries, engaged couples can attend Natural Family Planning (NFP) course on top of their MPC, but I have a feeling that most people in Indonesia think that NFP is 'counting the days'.
Anyway, the first article that I want to write is "Why should young people  know about Church's teaching on contraceptives?" We've been taught sin ce young that "Soeharto's family planning programme was 'successful' "; "Indonesia has over-population problem", while the real problem is the uneven development of various regions.

- 3 -

To keep jogging on Sundays! Thank God last month I managed to run every Sunday!!! (Thanks to Pheara!!) Even though Paul insisted that what I do most likely is "shaking-both-hands-while-I'm-walking", me and Pheara have run either faster or longer every week. My legs do not ache anymore after running. Oh well, it seems that I seriously need to run faster or longer! Current record is 30 minutes for 1 round running at Macritchie Reservoir. (That's short :( )

- 4 -

Go to Timbre again. Yeay!! Not sure when I'll go to Timbre for my birthday because I have Legion of Mary retreat beforehand, Legion meeting on D day, and list of stuff as usual. Hahaha. Okay I'll skip Tuesday Lounge that week.

Oh anyway, Timbre is an opened-cafe with live music! Very nice!

- 5 -

I'd love to arrive at Mass early. Last month was very bad (and I was late EVERY DAY last week. Arrgggh!!) God must have been laughing at me because every morning I literally bargain with Him. (I seriously said, "Oh God, please please 5 minutes please...")

- 6 -

I hope I can meet my brother's girlfriend!!!!! The girl that can make my brother wash dishes. Yeah yeah, love is very powerful. His ex-girlfriend was the one that made him say grace before meal and go to parish youth ad-hoc activities.

- 7 -

To start work on my dreams. Perhaps travel blog? Since I'm planning my trip in December and need to start checking Mass schedule in Bali.


  1. #2 In my area the Natural Family Planning teacher had special classes for girls ages 11-14 and they attended the NFP class with their mother.

  2. Wow, that's cool! Was it initiated by parishioners?
