Saturday, January 26, 2013

Marriage is a permanent reminder of the cross

Two weeks ago, I went to a couple's house for a preparation for Faith and Reason forum on Church and freedom to love. This couple is a doctor-lawyer couple. The husband is a doctor and the wife is a litigation lawyer. Well, I have heard that they have 6 kids, but experiencing the warmth of the family and the cheerfulness of the couple+the 6 kids in our first meeting was really a special experience for me. Some of the things that the couple shared in the Faith and Reason forum last Monday have been shared by them in the preparation meeting, but there are some stuff that were not shared in the forum, one of which was this post title.

Well, the couple did mention that the true love is a self-giving love. In the meeting, actually it happened after the meeting, when me, Eugene, and Sr Jocelyn were about to leave, the wife said, "Learning theology has helped me to understand the technical terms that we have actually already understood in our life." One of these "terms" is "Marriage as a permanent reminder of the cross." Why? So the lady explained that A sacrificed himself so that B is redeemed, just like how we are redeemed by Christ's crucifixion. I was so amazed and uplifted after I heard that. Isn't that beautiful? B is redeemed to be a better person through A's sacrifice. It happens over, over, and over again. No wonder marriage is a vocation, and it's not surprising that it's a difficult path too.

Of course when it comes to the practice of this 'theory', it's very tough to persevere. To keep hurting your partner hurts you too. To keep sacrificing yourself? Wahhh.. so tough!! But when I remember this sentence, I get a hope and I really think this reality of marriage as 'not a fairytale' is really really beautiful.

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